Founded in 1995 by Scotland's leading tartan weavers and retailers, the Scottish Tartans Authority fulfills a comprehensive and worldwide information, educational, research and promotional role for Scottish tartan and Highland dress. It has extensive and valuable archives, maintains the industry standard tartan database and preserves and adds to, the largest collection of woven tartan samples in existence. Its long term objective is to oversee the establishment of a Tartan Centre of international significance.

Founded in 1973, the College has become internationally recognised as a centre for the Gaelic language and culture. A small specialised college, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig is a provider of quality further and higher education and research opportunities. The College recognises the importance of maintaining a strong foundation for the Gaelic language, arts and culture as a whole and is involved in many related projects to this end.

Founded in 1945, this is the oldest established organisation tracing family history in Scotland. The Society has carried out over 70,000 searches for clients from all over the world and has amassed a wealth of experience and knowledge. In 1998 the Scots Ancestry Research Society changed its format; two members of staff, with 64 years experience of genealogy research between them are continuing the work of the Society.

Founded in 1923, the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) is dedicated to dancing and teaching Scottish country dancing. It has a word-wide network of "branches" and affiliated groups, with an office in Edinburgh. Members form branches, and these branches run classes (particularly for beginners) and social events for their members and the general public in their particular area. The Society has some 175 branches around the world. The Society organises national and international events on a regular basis and runs schools in Scotland and elsewhere to bring Scottish dancing within the reach of anyone and everyone, whatever their age or ability.

Founded in 1907, the St-Andrew Society aims to promote the study and celebration of all things Scottish; they are a patriotic and non-political. The Society has taken a proactive stance on a number of issuers relating to Scotland's rights and privileges, for example in the campaign for St Andrew's Day, November 30, to be recognised and celebrated as a national holiday,

Founded in 1931, the National Trust for Scotland acts as guardian of the nation's magnificent heritage of architectural, scenic and historic treasures. The National Trust for Scotland is the conservation charity that protects and promotes Scotland's natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations to enjoy.

Historic Scotland is an executive agency of the Scottish Government and is charged with safeguarding the nation’s historic environment and promoting its understanding and enjoyment on behalf of Scottish Ministers.

Research your holiday find out where to go and what to see and do in Scotland with Visit Scotland’s Visitors’ Guide. They also have practical travel details, itineraries, inspiring articles, and loads of stunning pictures to get you in the mood for your Scottish holiday. Book everything from travel and accommodation, to tickets to events like the Edinburgh Tattoo. Choose from a wide range of holiday packages, from coach tours of the Highlands to golfing trips and city breaks.